Ȩ >  > ı 

ۼ coolwine
θ Ʈ , ¯¯ ȭ! 2 ķ 丮 ÿ ϴ ķι, ٽ źϴ!
ۼ 2014-06-13
ȸ 16882






ķ ʼǰ̶ ִ



 Ͻó?






ָ, н ʵ

, ᵵ ϱ ٴ ־




ķιʷδ ʸ ̿մϴ.






̼Ұ ƴ ź 

ϸ θŸ .



Ư ū ƽ ߽ϴ.










ķ ϰ Ǹ鼭

2 丮 ÿ ϰ Ǵ 찡 .

׷ ̱۹ 긦 Ѱ ϰ .








ū ÷

м ° Ǿ

ſ Ҿ 찡 ϴ.







Ʈ긦 ʾ ̾߱Դϴ.






θ λ̴ 9 ü

Ʈ긦 ó ϰ Ǹ鼭



ķ۵ Ʈ 긦 ϴ± ǰϰ ִ Դϴ.






 35 簡 ֵ

ݼ, θϸ 簡 ұ


8 ϸ鼭

߰ ¯¯ ȭ ǰ ϱ.


Ʈ ְϰŶ ,,,











¯¯ ȭ


׸ ְ

2 丮 ÿ ִ Ʈ!

̼Ұ, ź ϰ,​

3 и ٶ̱!


带 ԰ ź ķι!!

[θ Ʈ ]







































θ Ʈ














θ Ʈ ̽ ο

θ Ʈ ǰǥ, Ư Ǿ ֽϴ.




θ Ʈ ̽ PP öƽ ֽϴ.

κ PU õ ׸ õ ϱ մϴٸ,



öƽ ׸ ƴѰ ϴ.

ݺ ϰ, ,

ǰ ܺκ ȣֱ Դϴ.



























θ Ʈ -


(߿ܿ ̵ źұ)


ѱ ˻ǰ






ü(2 Ľ ȭ) : 1EA

и ٶ : 1EA

ƴ ( ź ȣȯ) : 2EA

̽ : 1EA

(ǰ ) : 1




ǰ : θ Ʈ

𵨸 : HB-1103

԰ : 500 x 125 x 250mm(Inner Box )

ȭ : ڵȭ

뿬 : ȭź ( ź 220g, ̼Һź 230g/450g )

Һ : , 116g/h

뵵 : ƿ ߿ܿ(, ķ, )

߷ : 2.89kg( )

: ݼ



Ǹó AS : ⵵ ֽ 赿 624-1 ݼ

ǸŹ : 031-868-5973

AS : 031-863-1872

Ⱓ : 1

































θ Ʈ и ٶ(3 )





ٶ ϴ ħ κ 

Ҽ ̴ ϱ

¿ 5 Ȧ Ŀ ,


ü Ӱ Ϻϰ յ ֵ

U ó Ǿ ֽϴ.  



























ٶ̴ ٶ ü / Ǿ ,

ٶ ü ,쿡 꺻ü ϴ ְ,

/ ٶ ü Ȩ ֽϴ.


ٶ ü /쳯 ø Ͽ ĥ ,

 ̿ ٶ ⿡

ֵ Ǿ ֽϴ.


ٶ ü մϴ. 



























Ʈ ü

, ׸ κ Ȯ 1.
θ ķι ׸ ׸ Ͽ
(6.2L ) ÷Ƶ ſ ̸,
ⱸ ´ κ ׸ ħ뿡
Ȩ Ŀ ־ 丮 ̲ ʵ Ǿֽϴ.
θ Ʈ ̾
̹ Ż () Ǿ,
׸ Ǿϴ.

κ Ȯ
35 긦 ұ  ݼ 귣
θ ΰ λ ſ ÿ ȭ վݴϴ.

ȭ÷ κ Ȯ



濭 κ Ȯ


ȭ ( ) ܿ 濭 ־

߰ſ ⸦ ų ֵ Ǿ ֽϴ.













߰ſ ִ ȭ ̸ ȣϰ

  ߿ ϰ ȭ ֽϴ.




























̽ ٸ ġ


( 1 2 3 4 ð ̽ ٸ ġ ˴ϴ)






1. 1 ٸ ش иdz

ٸ и 쿡 հ и и˴ϴ.


2. 4. ü ٸ սų

ü ٸ Ŭ öĿ ϴ Ҹ о־ ġ ϼž մϴ.


























































Ʈ ü ٶ Ȯ (и )


  Ʈ ü ٶ չ


 ķι ü ٶ ( 1 2) ſ մϴ.



ٸ, ٶ ü ü ׸ ԵǾ յǴ ȮϽð,

ٶ ħ ü ʰ ºپ ִ ȮϽñ ٶϴ.




























Ʈ ü ٶ Ȯ ( - 1)









Ʈ ü ٶ Ȯ ( - 2)  






























ٶ ġ ( 1 2) 



* иٶ̿ ü

и ٶ



Ʈ ü 鿡 ִ ٶ ġ

Լհ ն ϴ.  

























ٶ 3 (0, 1, 2, 3)


Ʈ ü ٶ ġ 3 Ȩ

̸ ̿Ͽ ٶ 1, 2, 3 Ȯ ֽϴ.


쿡 󼭴

  'O' ǥ 켭 ֽϴ.






























 θ Ʈ ظ Ȯ





























ź ȣȯ ƴ Ȯ

[ ̼Ұ Ȯ]
̼Һź 230g, 450g 쿡
͸ ؾ մϴ.
Ʈ ظ ̼Ұ Ȩ Ȯϰ ϰ ð ϰ,
ս ִ Ͽ ܴ ϼž մϴ.
*θ Ʈ ƴͰ ⺻ ǰ ԵǾ ֽϴ.

[ ź Ȯ]
ź ⸦ 쿡 ƴ͸ մϴ.
ƴ ÿ
켱 Ʈ ظ 꿡 ƴ͸ ð
ƴ κа ź κ ߰, ⸦ 15% ϸ ˴ϴ.
: ü ƴ ϰų,
ü ¿ ٸ ణ ← ϸ ϰ ֽϴ.

* : ݵ ŷ ջ ȮϽñ ٶϴ.



ź ̼Ұ  






























 ȭ ( 1 2)


ȭ ̸ ð ݴ õõ 鼭 ( 1)

 ڵȭ ġ ȭϸ ˴ϴ. ( 2)



ȭÿ ȭ ̸ ð Ҳ ָ ˴ϴ.  























θ Ʈ

























üķ Ҷ ϰ ֽϴ.
θ Ʈ
׸ Ͽ
Ķ ÷ξ
ſ ִ մϴ.




    ̿ 450g ̼Ұ ־ ϴ.  



























ī ϱ ̴
Ķ ̸ ϴٰ

񿡼 ī ̴ ̰ Ǵ ä ÷
ٽ 丮 մϴ.
̾޸ ϵ !
θ Ʈ ȭ 2 ȭ ÿ ϴ
ð ũ ϴ.

ں ̹ٴٸ ÷ Ƶ


ٰ ٶ


и ٶ̸ ߿ иϿ
氨ְ ־ ſ մϴ.


  η 6.2Ϳ ں ٴٱ̸ ÷

ϴ ϴ.






























̹ ڶ󼶿

 ں ķ佺Ƽ (ī)

'̸Ŵ Բϴ ķο丮 ׽Ʈ'


θ Ʈ մϴ.




ѽð 50г ķο丮 Ϸؾ Ǵ Ȳ

ణ ٶ Ҿ


ٶ̸ 3ܿ 1 Ͽ 丮ϴ

Ҳ ٶ ʾ

ð 丮 Ϸ ־ϴ.



ĵ 丮ȸ

θ Ʈ ˸ ̸ Ͽ

ſ ߽ϴ.






























üķ, ķδȸ
θ Ʈ
̱۽긦 Ͽ ſ ο ϰ մϴ.

η ġ ̴
̵ ƿ켺
̵ Ķ̵ ٸ ȭ ̿ ־ϴ.


̽Ŀ ̿ 䵵 Ҵµ,

θ Ʈ ȭ ſ Ⱑ ߽ϴ.


̽Ŀ ~ ϴ û ̱ ^^

÷ λ
[θ Ʈ]
- 35 ݼ 縦 ϰ ϵ
¯¯ ȭ,
- Ż 3 ٶ̸ Ͽ ҿ , Ȳ ϰų и ְ,
- ⱸ ũ⿡ ٶ 3 Ͽ ϸ,
- Ͱ ⺻ ԵǾ ־ ̼Ұ Ӹ ƴ϶ ź ־
ſ ̸,
- Ÿ Ʈ꿡 3kg ȵǴ ̽ ٸ Ǹ ,
- ִ Ʈ
- A/S ٴ ͵ Դϴ.
ķ ķ ϰų,
üķ Ѵٸ
Ư ã
θ Ʈ !!
õϰ ķιԴϴ.
































( θ λ̴ 9 ü Ǿ

ǰ ǰ Ͽ Ǿϴ.)

























̸ йȣ

* ѱ 1000 Է° :
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Cyrus Sorry, I ran out of credit https://oic.gov.pg/pharmacy/index.php/stmap_42ptxhfi.html?serophene.cialis.ivermectin ratacand Regulatory and public scrutiny over Wall Street practices has definitely increased since the financial crisis.  A few days after a game-changing indictment of major hedge fund SAC Capital for insider trading which could push billionaire Steve Cohen out of the money managing business, JPMorgan has also been connected to the manipulation of other commodity markets.  In a story about Goldman Sachs and the manipulation of aluminum markets, the New York Times also reports that JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, and other banks engaged in maneuvering the likes of oil, wheat, cotton, and coffee markets.  Goldman Sachs rejected the accusations in fact sheet about their market making business. 2022-03-25 08:03:07
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Miguel I've been cut off https://hayathasardanismanligi.com/pharmacy/stmap_15dawbxe.html?cialis.leukeran.emsam ratiopharm a cosa serve The girl filed a complaint two weeks ago accusing the Hindu religious preacher of raping her when she visited his retreat in Jodhpur with her mother. The girl's family says they have been followers of Asaram Bapu for more than a decade. 2022-03-25 08:03:08
Filiberto I can't stand football https://www.gunnagatsby.com/pharmacy/index.php/stmap_15dawbxe.html?torsemide.lincomycin.levitra cyp2d6 tamoxifeno In return for imposing a media blackout on his own employees, A-Rod was saluted for a righteous stance, not only for the greater good of the Yankees but MLB, too (“There are so many great stories going on in baseball....”). Rodriguez took the momentum back. The victory in the court of public opinion will be temporary. 2022-03-25 08:03:09
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"Even though the government is closed, a big part of theAffordable Care Act is now open for business," Obama said in theWhite House Rose Garden, surrounded by people who would benefitfrom the provisions of the healthcare law.
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"Garments produced in Bangladesh have a very competitive price, around two-to-three times lower than in Vietnam," said Hguyen Huu Toan, deputy director of SaiGon 2 Garment JSC, a Vietnam factory whose clients include British fashion retailers New Look and TopShop.
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